Thoolika regularly organizes events that promote the understanding of language and literature in the community. These events are open to public and are well attended. The key events that Thoolika organised recently include:
1. Inaugural launch and cultural event, 5 November 2016, Melbourne
This was a major public event, attended by over 200 people from across Melbourne and regional Victoria. The eminent Indian poet Balachandran Chullilkkad officially launched Thoolika and released the logo. This was followed by an evening of poetry reading, critical discussions of the poet’s work and cultural performances by local artists.
2. Public event on a topic of contemporary relevance, 11 November 2017, Melbourne
Led by Prof M.N. Karassery, acclaimed Malayalam writer, orator and media person from India, Thoolika organised a public forum for critical review and discussion on the topic of Literature and Freedom. This was a vibrant discussion with the general public and representatives from various Melbourne based cultural organisations, with around 150 people attending.
3. Writers’ workshop, 10-11 February 2018, Sydney
Thoolika collaborated with the national organisation, the Australian Malayali Literary Association (AMLA), in conducting a major writers’ workshop in Sydney during February 2018. Mr Paul Zacharia, an acclaimed short story writer from India led the workshop that was attended by 30 people from the Malayali communities all over Australia.
4. Promotion of book club and reading- ongoing
Thoolika supports the promotion of language and literature awareness through the effective utilisation of a large resource of Malayalam books made available to interested readers through the Melbourne based organisation Vipanchika Granthasala. Through this we hope to encourage and support familiarity with the language and literature to families all over Melbourne.
5. Book, short story, documentary and short film reviews - ongoing
Reading major literary works in the language and conducting critical discussions, often with direct telephone interaction with the writer, is a recurring activity that Thoolika actively undertakes. This is an opportunity for who ever is interested to get familiar with new genres of writing. Thoolika has conducted a number of these activities in 2017. Details and summaries are available on Facebook page.
Upcoming major event
As part of our dedication to provide opportunities for the Malayali community to maintain their links with their culture, language and literature, Thoolika is planning a major literary and cultural event in November, 2018. Based on the discussions that we had with writers, the national organisation AMLA and feedback from the Malayali community, we have decided to bring out an annual bilingual publication. The publication is intended to support emerging writers to present their work to the Malayalam readers in Australia and abroad. The inaugural edition is scheduled to be released in November at a literary and cultural event. We are already seeking contributions in Malayalam and English from writers including children from Malayali families.